Link Field - With Paste-Feature Disabled

  1. Run the standard upload tests as SuperUser - everything should fail except for the basic allowed files. Especially paste should not work
  2. If all else works, repeat 2-3 part of that test with SiteAdmin user
  3. If that works, repeat with anonymous user on a field without permissions - upload should not work
  4. If that works, repeat with anonymous user on a field with permissions - upload should not work

Link Library Field - With Paste-Feature Disabled

  1. Run the standard upload tests as SuperUser - everything should fail except for the basic allowed files. Especially paste should not work
  2. If all else works, repeat 2-3 part of that test with SiteAdmin user
  3. Create a subfolder and go into the subfolder
    1. Repeat standard upload tests within that folder - the same behavior should be as before
    2. also verify that uploaded files are in the folder

String WYSIWYG Field - with Paste-Feature Disabled

  1. In the Inline/Priview mode: Run the standard upload tests as SuperUser - everything should fail except for the basic allowed files. Especially paste should not work
  2. In the Dialog Mode
  3. In the dialog mode with ADAM drawer visible...