1. Buttons in the form
    1. The primary language has no translation buttons
    2. All other languages do
    3. Only fields that can be translated have the translate button
  2. Block until ready: Translation of a field is not possible, until the primary language of that field has content (??? discuss, as the primary language could also allow empty)
  3. Translate Behavior of button on on field
    1. Clicking on the translate button opens the field for translation, the new value is for that language only
    2. Mouseover on the button opens the menu
    3. The menu shows the two most common actions: translate and un-translate (discuss, not sure if the specs are like this)
    4. More advanced operations open the dialog
    5. Any operation do
  4. Translate Behavior of button on group
    1. Clicking on the translate button of a group has no functionality - it will always open the menu
    2. Mouseover on the button opens the menu
    3. Selecting an action on this group affects all fields in the group
    4. Only fields that support translate are affected
  5. Behavior of Translate
    1. The field is opened for editing
    2. showing the original text of the primary language
    3. the value is for this field only
  6. Behavior of Untranslate (opposite of translate)
    1. The field is locked again, and shows the primary language
  7. Behavior of Link to another language Shared
    1. The field is opened for editing
    2. a label in the corner shows which languages share this value, but does not mention the current language
    3. the same label also appears in the other languages which share this, always not showing the current language
    4. Changes affect all the languages
  8. Behavior of Link to another language read
    1. The field is locked for editing
    2. The label in the corner shows which laguages share this value
    3. In the other language, the label in the corner also shows that it's shared; but has a special mark to show which of the languages just read