This assumes you already have a working copy of the Template Theme installed and tested

Company and Theme Identifiers

  1. Rename Solution in Visual Studio
  2. Adjust the main namespace in the project properties from Example.Oqt.Themes to your wish. Be careful - some common names would cause trouble - read the recommendationsassembly and namespaces
  3. Adjust the DLL in the project properties. Note that your custom namespace should never have the term Oqtane, but the DLL must contain the term Oqtane. See recommendation.
  4. Manually adjust the namespace in 2 files in the Theme project
    1. ThemeInfo.cs
    2. ThemeDefault.razor.cs
  5. After this you should close/reopen Visual Studio, to avoid problems

Description and Copyrights

  1. In the Theme project there is a ThemeInfo.cs. In there you can change the theme metadata. 
  2. In the project properties adjust your values etc.
  3. Change all the values in the Example.Oqt.Themes.Template.nuspec to your needs
  4. Then rename that nuspec file

Test & Troubleshoot

  1. Rebuild the solution
  2. Restart Oqtane
  3. Check that what you see matches your expectations
  4. Troubleshooting...
    1. Verify that your DLL contains the term Oqtane in the name
    2. Verify that your namespace does not contain the term Oqtane, unless it starts with that - so MyCompany.Oqtane will fail, Oqtane.MyCompany would work
    3. Verify that the paths in build-helpers\config.cmd are correct and that the build/copy really goes there