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Progress Report January 2020

Progress Report

We got a lot done in January - here the highlights!


  1. Enhancements on Checklist-Steps which have more notes after them (hidden after a line break using shift+enter)

Task Management

  1. Improved info-box with shortcuts which appears when you press Alt
  2. big performance optimizations on task search (3-10x faster)
  3. Better mark pro features from normal features
  4. Disable certain filters which are not applicable (like filter by another user, when looking at My-Tasks)
  5. Journal enhancements
  6. Show tasks Sent-By-Me and My-Organization-Tasks
  7. Improved how we see who delegated what in the journal
  8. Improve delegation breadcrumb for re-delegating
  9. Technical enhancements - backend now uses .net Core 3.x
  10. Task system now knows the user language if he's coming from the catalog
  11. Minor bugfixes (responsive behaviour etc.)

User Management

  1. Fix order of groups A-Z