We got a lot done in January - here the highlights!
- Enhancements on Checklist-Steps which have more notes after them (hidden after a line break using shift+enter)
Task Management
- Improved info-box with shortcuts which appears when you press Alt
- big performance optimizations on task search (3-10x faster)
- Better mark pro features from normal features
- Disable certain filters which are not applicable (like filter by another user, when looking at My-Tasks)
- Journal enhancements
- Show tasks Sent-By-Me and My-Organization-Tasks
- Improved how we see who delegated what in the journal
- Improve delegation breadcrumb for re-delegating
- Technical enhancements - backend now uses .net Core 3.x
- Task system now knows the user language if he's coming from the catalog
- Minor bugfixes (responsive behaviour etc.)
User Management
- Fix order of groups A-Z