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what is azing?

azing is all about getting things done. The right way. Your way.

It's best described as an Operating System for your organization, letting you and your team share all your expertise together and ensure that you work as a team, producing consistent, high-quality results. 

  • Knowledge Management

    azing lets you and your team quickly manage knowledge, and ensure it's at your fingertips when you need it

  • Work Management

    azing tasks use the checklists, ensuring people do things right, and allowing you to see the progress checkbox by checkbox

  • Process Management

    simple azing checklists are linked together, letting small instructions become complex processes

  • Quality Management

    azing checklists ensure that people work the same way across your team, ensuring consistent results

  • Digital Forms

    every azing checklist is also an e-form, ensuring task-specs and auto-documenting everything

  • Wiki Collaboration

    manage all your knowledge and processes like a wiki - collaborating as a team

the hardest thing in any enterprise - simple when you think about it

Knowledge Management

Expert Knowledge

When experts know how do do things right, this should be shared with everybody. Placing this knowledge into azing checklists ensures that it is published, and that the next person working on such a task has the knowledge the moment they need it. 

Expert Knowledge

Process Knowledge

People always forget, that expert knowledge is much more than facts - it's also the steps involved in applying that knowledge. This is in the form of a process or sequence of steps. azing checklists combine process and expert knowledge into one, so that people work the way the experts would. 

Process Knowledge
ensure you're doing the right thing - because you can

Work Management

The Right Specs for the Task

When you delegate a task, you should include all specs as needed for this specific task. This is difficult, because you may not know what will be needed. Your team can easily add form-fields to a checklist, ensuring you know what they need. 

  1. Delegate with full specs
  2. Responsibility for what specs are needed are in the hands of the experts maintaining the checklists
  3. Learning organizations update the fields within minutes of discovering additional requirements
The Right Specs for the Task

Routing Tasks from Pro to Pro

A task may start in the hands of a project manager, handing it off to a specialist to get something done. The specialist returns it to the PM, who may then forward it to accounting. 

  1. Route work from pro to pro
  2. Work status/progress is part of the task
  3. Get things done, no more questions ping-pong
Routing Tasks from Pro to Pro
coordinate complex, interlinked processes

Process Management

Link Processes Together

Any azing checklist can link to other checklists, which become part of the task when used. This ensures that the right steps are added in real-time, when you need them. 

Link Processes Together

Detailes Steps for Beginners

A common challenge in all processes is how to incorporate instructions, which only beginners need. By placing very detailed instructions in a separate checklist and linking it from the main checklist, it stays out of the way while being around when needed.

Detailes Steps for Beginners

Extract Optional Complexity

Special cases would bloat checklists if they were all included. These are placed in separate checklists and just referred to, for those special moments...

Extract Optional Complexity

Manage Checklist-Relationships

Quickly monitor where checklists are used, to ensure that changes make sense in the context of the checklist-network. 

Manage Checklist-Relationships

DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself

When certain steps are needed in various processes, you can simply extract them into a separate checklist and point to that from everywhere. This ensures that you don't have duplicate, differing instructions for getting something done.

DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
swiss quality in everything you do - and everything others do

Quality Management

High Quality in Trivial Things

Quality starts at the lowest level because higher levels depend on it. Every team leader knows that even writing a confirmation e-mail for a completed task can escallate when done wrong. 

  1. Checklists ensure that people do things right
  2. Clean specs for delegated tasks ensure people do the right thing
  3. Boilerplate texts ensure that even trivial tasks are done quickly and perfectly
High Quality in Trivial Things

High Quality the First Time

Everybody needs training to do things right. But thanks to these checklists, people can receive a task they have never heard of, and start to work on it. 

  1. Clear instructions allow first-timers to excel
  2. Since all steps are listed, even first-timers won't forget important steps
  3. If a first-timer doesn't understand a step, he/she will ask about it, and not just accidentally forget it
High Quality the First Time

High Quality in a Team

Since the team is responsible for checklists and how they are linked together, it's easy to see what the person before and after will be doing. This works like magic: when people describe a process, they don't have to guess what happens, but can adjust everything to be synchronized, so the result will be amazing. 

High Quality in a Team
working require information - not guesswork

Digital Forms

Build Forms in Minutes

Every checklist can have form-fields like text-fields, dropdowns and more. This is very powerfull, allowing you to implement internal orders, work-specs, vacation requests and more in mere minutes. 

Build Forms in Minutes

Reuse Form Data

The data entered into the fields can easily be reused - either for showing it again further down in the checklist, in placeholders of boilerplate text, for generating commands or to use in web API calls. 

Reuse Form Data
empower your team to do things their way - consistently

Wiki-Style Collaboration

Word-Style Editing

Checklists can be edited online in a word-like WYSIWYG environment.

  1. Just write and it works
  2. Drag or paste images into the editor
  3. Add headings, links, form-fields and more
Word-Style Editing

Responsibility is with the Experts

Checklists should be managed by the people who use them in their work. If your team thinks it should do some extra quality-checks, let them add it to the checklist. If they can deliver quality without it, let them remove unnecessary steps. If they want to split the checklist, let them do it. 

Responsibility is with the Experts

Discover the Features

Now you know what azing will do for you. Continue to discover the features.
