Input Fields
The core concept uses two square brackets to open/close a field, like [fieldname] (but with two [ and two ].
You can write [just some label] or [name=FirstName label=just some label] or [label=just some label option=ja,nein] - always using two [ and ]
- {{'['}}[username]] [[name=of3u label=username type=text]]
- {{'['}}[description lines=3]] [[name=pegz label=description type=text lines=3]]
- {{'['}}[gender options=male, female]] [[name=v1jy label=gender type=text options=male, female]]
Supported parameters
- name (optional, variable name if you want to re-use the value)
[[name=FirstName type=text]]
- label (primary parameter, the label of the field)
{{'['}}[label=Your First Name]]
[[name=lk8p label=FirstName type=text]]
- value (prefill value)
[[name=qizt value=Hello type=text]]
- type (HTML input type)
[[name=fx6o type=password]]
- options (results in a drop-down, ignoring the type parameter)
{{'['}}[label=Bin ich über 18? options=yes,no,maybe]]
[[name=spd9 label=Bin ich über 18? type=text options=yes,no,maybe]]
- readonly (readonly)
{{'['}}[value=You can never change me! readonly=true]]
[[name=nsbe value=You can never change me! type=text readonly=true]]
- hint (hint)
{{'['}}[label=Your favourite destination hint=..that you enjoy visiting most]]
[[name=bd2c label=Your favourite destination type=text hint=..that you enjoy visiting most]]
Input values can be used within text with the Code-Syntax.
- {{'['}}[Benutzername name=username]] Hey there, {{'{'}}{username}}!
[[Benutzername name=username]] Hey there, {{username}}!
More advanced Code (please don't use this)
- {{'{'}}{username.length}}
{{(username || '').length}}