1. Update version Number
  2. Update path (no spaces, should end with version number)
  3. Update Guid in DNN using the guid-generator
    1. [[OldGuid]]
    2. [[NewGuid]]
  4. Update Adam Path in Dnn File Manager
  5.  Oqtane
    1. Sync folders in Oqtane
    2. Update Guid in Oqtane
      1. Table: ToSIC_EAV_Apps
      2. Table: Settings
    3. Update Adam Path in Oqtane File Manager
  6. Update Icon to new version
  7. Update Readme
    1. Name / Title
    2. Reference with links to Dnn & Oqtane, 2sxc
    3. Specs / Compatibility table
    4. History / Release information
  8. Package.json
    1. Update name (should be app-xxx)
    2. Update version
    3. Ensure no more npm errors/warnings (security)
  9. Update overview on app-dev with correct folders to Oqtane etc.