This one is a bit tricky, so let me give you some background: Each module shown in Dnn or Oqtane have a GUID identifier to a Content-Block. This Content-Block configuration in stored in the App. So everytime you restore the App in Oqtane, the Content-Blocks are reset to what was in the App-State.
This means that modules you add in Oqtane would always be blank again, unless they have the same identifier as in Dnn.
Preparation in Dnn
- Make sure you have most tests etc. set up in DNN as you need them
- Tests that just show the initial state don't need much, but they do need that you used the pencil-edit once (but don't save the dialog that opens)
- Then re-export the app-state and sync with Github
Preparation in Oqtane
- Add the same amount of modules / pages as in DNN so the setup should be identical
- Now open SQL Management Studio and go to the Oqtane DB (usually server is\SQL2017
and the DB is 2sxc Oqtane Apps Dev
- Open the Settings table in Edit-Mode and activate the SQL tab
Change Each Content-Block One by One
For each content-block, repeat these steps
- On each Oqtane module you must hit edit (pencil) once, so that the modules have a reference to a Content-Block (otherwise it's in preview mode, and the setting is wrong)
- Also publish each module in Oqtane, so we can see it in anonymous mode
- Find out the ID of a Module in Oqtane [[label=Oqtane Id]]
- Find out the Content-Block GUID in Dnn [[label=Dnn GUID]]
- In SQL Studio find the Settings for this Module
SQL Statement is ca. this SELECT TOP (200) SettingId, EntityName, EntityId, SettingName, SettingValue, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn
FROM Setting
WHERE (EntityName = 'Module') AND (EntityId = 000)
Tip: hit Ctl+R to run this query (but replace 000 with the right id first)
- Important: The SettingName must be
- if it's EavPreview
then please replace that with the other one, as that's still the preview mode.
- Now paste the DNN Guid into the Settings
once you leave the edit-line, it will save
- Oqtane may be even more broken after this, but that's ok. just repeat on all modules, then restart Oqtane