This is for major updates, bugfixes etc. which change the required 2sxc/dnn versions.

Make sure you know how the App Auto-Installer works.

  1. Make sure you already released the app and uploaded it to the app-catalog. Write down the file:xx reference because you'll need it [[File Reference]]
  2. Log on as host on 2sxc org and got to the App-Catalog app-administration > Data
  3. Open the AutoInstallers
    auto installers
  4. If we already have a configuration for this combination of 2sxc/dnn, update these with the new file id reference in there
    app references
  5. If we don't have this configuration yet, then copy and configure it
    1. Add the app to the list or update the app in the configuration
  6. For each configuration you changed, test the auto-installer in a 2sxc portal