1. Install the default apps
  2. Adding an AJAX-App Should Be Simple and Not Reload Page
    Add the qr-app to a page (which supports ajax-loading)
    1. it should ajax reload and show a preview
    2. mouse-over the preview should not show a toolbar
    3. the app-picker should stay visible and transition to view-selection
  3. Switching Views Should Be AJAX
    Choose another view
    1. it should ajax-reload with preview and still no toolbar
    2. app-picker should stay in view-selection
  4. Switching to Other App Should be Possible on New Apps
    Switch to the News app (another ajax-app). You should see
    1. the preview change (still no toolbar)
    2. the app-picker stays visible and transitions to the view-selection
  5. Clicking OK should Enable Editing, But Still Not Initialize the App
    Click ok to persist the app/view choice.
    1. You should see the correct app/view with toolbar when hovering
    2. Again click the change layout icon. You should see the view-picker. 
    3. In the view-picker, select the app-picker again. You should still be able to switch to another app.
    4. Now pick the QR-App again, this should work and show an AJAX preview. 
    5. Click ok and the QR App should stay. 
  6. Initializing the App Should disable further App Switching
    On this un-initialized QR App, click edit and type in something (save).
    1. You should see an ajax-reload of the content. 
    2. Click the change layout icon again - you should see the view-picker. 
    3. Try to click the app-switch again. This should not be possible any more, as app-switching isn't allowed any more after initializing an app. 
  7. Repeat the tests with non-ajax app
    1. The behaviour should be the same, but with page-reloads.