We plan to make 2sxc 14 run on Dnn 9.6.1+.  This is the expected standard setup:

  • Website is in C:\Projects\2sxc\2sxc-dnn961.dnndev.me\Website
  • Will run on http://2sxc-dnn961.dnndev.me/
  • DB Name: "2sxc-dnn961.dnndev.me" (recommended)
  • Application Pool Name: "2sxc-dnn961.dnndev.me" (recommended)


You can set up a new one or migrate your 7.4.2. This is what the iJungleboy did

  1. Copy website from c:\Projects\2sxc-dnn742\Website to the new location
  2. Backup / Restore the DB
  3. Ran SQL script to upgrade all site-alias names from old to new
  4. Configure security in DB to allow the new application pool name
  5. Adjust new Web.config to point to the new DB
  6. Configure IIS for the new location
  7. Adjust System-Path variable for build to point to the new location