1. Toolbar shows List Buttons on New Module with List Template
    Insert a new content-module with simple content, pick the Links template which supports lists. Confirm with the checkbox to make the dialog go away and enable the toolbar. You should see:
    1. a toolbar with 4 buttons: edit, add, change-view, ... (more)
    2. if you click ... (more) you should see more buttons: add-dummy, remove, move up, move down, edit-list, replace, ... (more)
  2. Adding Dummies Works
    Add 3 dummies using the add-dummy button in the second toolbar set. You should now see 4 dummy items. 
  3. Adding With Add-Dialog Works
    On the second item (not the first), use the normal add button to open a form. Type in some dummy data and save. The content should ajax-reload and show 2 dummy items, your manually added item, and another 2 dummy items. 
  4. Move Up and Down Works Correctly
    On your manually added item, move up and down. The content should always ajax-reload - moving your item correctly. 
  5. Remove Works Correctly and Removes the Specified Item
    In the toolbar of your manually added item, use remove (second toolbar set) to remove exactly this item. You should now see (ajax reloaded) 4 dummy items again. 
  6. Insert-Existing Works
    On the 2nd dummy item - use the replace button (second set of buttons) to insert some existing content. The content should ajax-reload and show dummy, your-item, dummy, dummy.
  7. Change View only Shows List-Templates
    On your list containing 4 items now, choose the change layout-icon of any of the items to open the change-template dialog.
    1. You should now see fewer templates than before, because it should only show the templates that support lists. 
    2. Switch to another template - the preview should ajax reload, but offer no more toolbars.
    3. Hit ok - the view should ajax reload again - and now provide toolbars again