1. Download latest ToSic.Sxc.X.X.X.nupkg from https://github.com/2sic/2sxc/releases and copy to ...\oqtane.framework\Oqtane.Server\wwwroot\Modules\
  2. In VS2022 Run Oqtane.Server and add 2sxc app module instance to page.
  3. Restart Oqtane app: in VS2022 Stop Debugging and Run [IIS Express] again.


Following steps is not needed for Oqtane v3.1.0 or newer.
It is required only for Oqtane v3.0.3 or older.
  1. Download refs-net6-zip and unzip  to ...\oqtane.framework-3.0.0\Oqtane.Server\bin\Debug\net6.0\