2illumin8 (to illiuminate) is a team training system (more). The methodology uses small workshops to exchange experience and knowledge in a team, no matter how experienced they are. 

Most of the workshop consists of discussion and exchanging experiences. It is structured using a 2illumin8 Script and will be lead by a moderator. Each training workshop should last no more than 60 minutes. 

Participants will invest their personal time for diving deeper and increasing their knowledge. 

Expectation of all Participants

All participants must...

  1. ...have some practical experience in the discussed subject
  2. ...want to share / contribute in this workshop
  3. ...be willing to invest at least 2-4 hours to go deeper into the subject between training sessions

Read more about ideal participants and their roles.

Before you Start

The training benefits depend largely on the focus / attitude of the participants. So before you start, make sure you...

  1. ...know the goals of the training and how you will benefit
  2. ...verify that this training is meant for you
  3. ...know what is expected of you