This brief info should make sure that user permissions / roles are clear and all people (developers, admins, etc.) use the same terminology.

Kind of Users

  1. 2sichost - these are Super Admins / Developers - usually 2sic employees
  2. Admins - these are people who can manage just about everything - mainly Tanja
  3. Country Managers - people responsible for a specific country, eg. Daniel Waldherr for ZA
  4. EduAuditors - super-coaches who help / guide / review the work of coaches, mainly Natascha Scherrer
  5. Managers - This role is still not clearly defined, so it's a bit flaky what exactly it is for. ATM there are probably too many users in it, like Hawa, Johanna, Maria, and more. 
  6. Coaches - local people working for us in the sites where we operate. Most of them are 2givelife employees (Sandra, Hawa) but a few are external persons who coach/manage their own school (e.g. Filbert)
  7. Lesson Creators - people who create content / lessons like Nicole
  8. Translators - All - a group for all translators to ensure they can access the necessary pages
  9. Translators (xx-XX) - various user groups for each language
  10. Teachers - these are people working at the schools/day cares. Their login is virtual, meaning it's not a real platform login, but more of a identity to access their school and their lessons. 

Places to Create Users and to Log On

  1. All teachers are not real users. They use a school-login which is a simple user name and usually the same password for all schools in the same country. 
    1. These users log on in the main page of EDU: 
  2. All other users - employees, partners, coaches are created in DNN
    1. These users log on through the DNN login: 

Places to Manage Access / Roles

  1. In the school any user created is automatically able to log on, but only as a school/teacher
  2. DNN Logins and Role assignments happen in DNN
  3. Many permissions are configured in the EDU app
    1. In Countries & Locations we can assign country-managers and location managers to a country / location
    2. On each day-care we assign a specific coach to that day-care

Things which aren't well Defined Yet

  1. ATM the EduAuditor must also be a country-manager, and assigned to each country
    1. This should be changed so that Auditors are handled separately
  2. The group Managers is a bit unclear what it does/is and what it permits you to do
  3. Coaches can currently not yet manage / edit their day-cares