This description is the recommended file structure for all hosting models, and is intended to allow switching between models as your company / structure grows. 


  1. Easy to manage and configure permissions for
  2. Easy to switch around to other hosting models - so this structure should work both for large scale NAS/SAN setups as well as local testing or single-site servers
  3. Allow for other folders of the project like FTP, Logs, Data to remain together (if not using a large-scale hosting setup)

Final Setup

The final setup will look as follows

  1. Drive W: (or any other drive - with special permisions)
    Use a dedicated drive for website files
  2. W:\Projects\ (or another name like W:\Websites\ etc.) - with special permissions
    A special folder containing all the website projects
  3. W:\Projects\Rhyme Dictionary\ (here we pretend the project is a ryhme-dictionary)
    Container location for everything related to this project. Will contain at least the website, but could also include DBs, Logs, non-Web focused FTP etc.
  4. W:\Projects\Rhyme Dictionary\Website\ (with special permissions)
    Each project has at least a "Website" folder containing the DNN website.
  5. W:\Projects\Rhyme Dictionary\[DB,logs,ftp,assets,docs]\ (with special permissions)
    Each project can also have other folders if the project requires it. The exact folders will also vary based on the Hosting-Model you choose. 

Security and permissions ensure that the Web Service can only access the own files and not escape it's boundries, even if the server has been captivated.