Plan the Presentation

  1. Set your goals for yourself - why are you actually doing this, what do you expect out of it, and what will you regard as a successful presentation.
  2.  Know your audience and their expectations
    1. Describe your audience in terms of what they already know
    2. Describe the 3 most likely expectations of the audience, based on why they are sitting in the session
  3. Define success for yourself: What do you want of the audience (this could be emotions, understanding, actions, questions you want them to ask, etc.)
  4. Plan the 3 (recommended) or max 7 things the audience should take home. This is what you will focus on, because you must know that 2 months in the future most people will have forgotten everything about your presentation, except for the 3 (to max 7) key messages. 

Build the Skeleton of a Successful Presentation

Note: we'll start building the whole structure. Afterwards we'll continue with the exact content and specific things like title, slogan, CTA etc.

  1. The section to greet the audience
  2. The section to captivate the audience, promising them what they will get out of it so they decide for themselves to pay attention. Typical content of this is
    1. Give examples about common problems they experience (not providing any solutions yet)
    2. Storytelling of your past with common problems they know / experience
  3. The section with backgorund-information, so that the audience understands the context of the information they will get.
  4. A transfer section to lead into the main presentation. This should be  emotional / transfer section, to make the audience feel comfortable and emotionally involved. 
  5. The main section
    1. Often it helps to give an initial overview of the parts (say what you'll say, say it, say what you said)
    2. Give the parts
    3. recap
  6. CTA
  7. etc.