
  1. What are Sub-Recipes
  2. Look at an example [todo]
  3. Understanding basic principles
    1. SRP - Single Responsibility Principle
      Each recipe should be responsible for one clearly defined kind of task. Subrecipes should be responsible for a sub-task.
    2. Smallest unit of work - most recipes are better when they are not too big
  4. Private vs. Shared Sub-Recipes
    1. Splitting to slim down main recipe
    2. Splitting to extract "junior" steps
    3. Reusability of sub-recipes in many recipes


  1. Do either one of the following
    1. Take a long recipe, and split it in a good way
    2. Take a normal recipe, and add junior / detailed steps for a certain part which could use more explanation
  2. Review in the group, finish according to best-practices

Lessons Learned

  1. Discuss in the group