Additional Information

The current release lags behind the one on the apps-dev. So, please use the version from here and export the app.


  1. Make sure you have at least DNN 7.4.2
  2. Make sure you have at least 2sxc 12.5.0
  3. Ensure you can have access and permissions to modify the web.config (this is necessary)
  4. Get a domain which will be the root of all shortlinks, as all of these requests will be routed to the ShortLinks app for redirection. We recommend that it's very short - ideally 3 characters + extension, so somehing like


  1. Download the latest installable package from the releases how
  2. Install it as any 2sxc app
  3. Add it to a page - ideally a page which only admins have access to
  4. Configure the app

Test it

  1. try some of the configured codes, verify it works :)