When the original module is updated and we want to include this newest version, we'll have to do the following: 

  1. For Compiling
    1. place the release build dlls in all versions here (subfolders): C:\Projects\2sxc\2sxc\Dependencies usuall from C:\Projects\razor-blades\Razor.Blade\bin\Release (or different or your system)
  2. Check build paths
    1. If the dll file name changed, or the .net framework path changed, adjust in all projects that use it
    2. Don't forget to check DNN / Oqtane if it changed - incl. the debug.bat etc. in Oqtane
  3. For DNN Deployment
    1. Update the resources and other files (license, icon) in the main folder like /koi/
      1. Razor Blade: from C:\Projects\razor-blades\ToSic.Razor.Dnn\install
      2. to: C:\Projects\2sxc\2sxc\Src\Dnn\ToSic.Sxc.Dnn\razorblade
      3. Koi: todo
    2. Update the DLLs in the dll folder, like in /koi/bin
    3. Update the XML in the .dnn file, especially
      1. version - remember to add a .01 as a fourth version info
      2. dll-list