The route will look like this:

  • /0/zone/apps
    shows the list of apps in Zone 0
  • /0/zone/apps/17/app/data
    shows the data of app 17, when access through the zone-dialog
  • /0/17/app/data
    shows the data of app 17, when accessed directly
  • /0/system/settings
    shows the system settigs

Parts of the Route

  1. Required
    1. Zone ID
    2. Root dialog name
  2. Almost always required
    1. App ID - as it's valid for all dialogs below it
  3.  Optional
    1. Parameters for the view
    2. Sub-dialog
    3. Parameters for the sub-dialog
    4. Sub-Sub-dialog
    5. Parameters for the sub-sub-dialog
    6. etc.

First Parameters


  1. ZoneId is always required, no matter what. This is the first parameter
  2. AppId is required in 95% of all cases. It's required in those cases. The only dialogs which don't require the AppId are:
    1. Zone
    2. System
  3. Root dialog name - the entry dialog
  4. Root dialog parameters if needed


Names and Structure

  1. Root Dialogs without App ID
    1. system - the overall dialog for system settings, insights, etc. with sub-dialogs
    2. zone - the zone management listing the apps 
  2. Root Dialogs with App ID
    1. edit - most used, normal edit UI
    2. app - app management UI - this has many sub-views, like
    3. code - code editor
    4. query - visual query editor
    5. list - list of items (same as data/list)
    6. sorted-items - for sorted lists in content
    7. replace - for replacing an item in a list
  3. Dialogs not in the main, new UI
    1. layout - to pick an app and/or view
    2. history - to see the histor of an item - this will probably be moved into the main app at some time

Dialogs in Dialogs (Subrouting)

  1. zone
    1. apps - list of apps
      1. import (app-import)
    2. settings (zone-settings) - atm just languages
    3. features
    4. insights
  2.  edit
    1. edit (normal edit) - can be opened within edit, for sub-items
  3. app
    1. home (app-home)
    2. data (app-data) - list of content-types with actions like export/import
      1. type-edit (data-type-edit) - add/edit a content-type
      2. schema (data-schema)
      3. edit (normal edit) - for type-metadata etc.
      4. list (data-list)
        1. edit (normal edit) - edit an item 
        2. export (list-export)
        3. import (list-import)
      5. rest (list-rest) would show rest-APIs for a content-type (new)
    3. queries (app-queries)
    4. views (app-views)
      1. edit (normal edit) - to configure a view
      2. code (edit the source
    5. apis (app-apis)
      1. js (app-api-js) - generate JS code, show endpoints etc.
      2. code (edit code) - won't be available as it should open a new window
    6. settings (app-settings)
      1. schema (normal data-schema) - for settings, resources
      2. edit (normal edit) - for settings, resources, app
      3. export (app-export)
      4. partial-export (app-partial-export)
      5. partial-import (app-partial-import)
    7. global (app-global) - for setting the languages
    8. queries
      1. edit (normal edit) for query
  4. query
    1. edit (normal edit) for query, data-source configuration
  5. list (data-list) - see above, same routes possible
    1. edit
    2. export
    3. import
  6. sorted-items
    1. edit (normal edit)
  7. replace
    1. edit (normal edit) - used when copying an existing item