Update the Font-file

  1. Open a VS code in the content-app, in src-icon-font
  2. Get the same version of the font file, by downloading the package from FA releases
  3. Copy the css/all.min.css into the src-icon-font
  4. Copy the webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff into dist/fontawesome/webfonts

Regenerate the CSS file without brand-icons

  1. Open a chrome and activate F12
  2. Go to this page https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=brands 
    1. You'll see a request like query?x=algolia... - the body of it should be a json similar to the all-brands.json
    2. Copy that whole body into the all-brands.json
  3. Re-run the powershell in this folder - you should now get a new fontawesome-nobrands.min.css
  4. Copy the resulting file to the folder dist/fontawesome/css