Use this when creating a new major release of 2sxc, to create a custom Content-Template installer for that version. 

  1. Create new folder for ZIP files
  2. Create new Landing Page
    1. Create new Script file here: 
      [NAS]\2sxc GettingStarted\Web\Portals\1\2sexy\
      1. Copy the last one
      2. Modify all path references
      3. Modify any text references to the version
      4. git-commit your changes
    2. Create a 2sxc view for that new file
    3. Create new page
      1. Copy-Paste the html block
      2. make changes to the text, version etc.
      3. Add a 2sxc block to that page pointing to the new view
  3. Setup redirector
    1. Change the code in here
      [NAS]\2sxc GettingStarted\Web\DesktopModules\RazorModules\RazorHost\Scripts\_2SexyContentTracker.cshtml
    2. git-commit your changes
  4. test
    1. Verify old still works (since redirectors etc. were modified)
    2. Verify new works