1. Go to Settings > Extensions on app-dev.2sxc.org
  2. Find the Theme (named Bootstrap 4 Instant) and click the Edit Button
  3. Update version (Increase the first version number only on breaking changes.), save the changes and Create Package
  4. Check the details and go further by clicking next
  5. Delete all entries starting with node_modules and .vscode and follow the wizard to the manifest
  6. Click next until DNN reports it has created the package - it is located in \Web\Install\Skin
    \\srv-devweb-03\Projects\2sxc Apps Dev\Web\Install\Skin
  7. DNN updated the .dnn file located in the base folder; thereby removing the included Invisible Container from the manifest
    The .dnn manifest is located at: \\srv-devweb-03\Projects\2sxc Apps Dev\Web\Portals\_default\Skins\Bootstrap 4 Instant
    1. Open the .dnn file in git change view (VSCode)
    2. Scroll to the bottom and copy the "Invisible Container" package to the new .dnn file
    3. Replace the .dnn file in the created ZIP file
      You can open the ZIP-file in WinRAR and simply drag the correct .dnn file to it
  8. Test the ZIP file - install the theme on a new site
  9. Check if all changes in the git repo are commited and pushed
  10. Put everything on Github and create a new release
  11. Inform 2dm