The Context Builder

The JS UIs need context information like what App they are working on etc. This is given through a Context-object, and each system must provide the context. Using the example from the OqtContextBuilder...

  1. Create your own
  2. Register in the Dependency Injection so that your controller will be able to get an instance of this

The Link Resolvers ILinkPaths

This is responsible for creating correct links and the way to do this varies in each .net version. 

  1. Create your XxxLinkPaths implementing ILinkPaths
  2. Register in StartUp

The ISite Implementation

The ISite tells the system information like the SiteId and similar. In multi-tenant environments it must look this up, in single-tenant environments you can create a simpler implementation. 


The Edit-Controller-Load

Using the StatefulControllerBase you created and the Oqt example of the EditController, implement

  1. The controller class without functionality but the right routes
  2. implement the Load action
  3. Test in the UI, that everything can load


If everything works, the UI should be generated. You'll still have some WebAPI / JS errors, because other endpoints don't work yet.