This assumes you have a working setup.

Instructions for publishing the latest NPM package

Since this work is released on NPM on, this is how you should work once a new release is ready:

  1. Navigate to [2sxc-ui Path]/projects/dnn-sxc-angular
  2. Update the version number in the package.json - node version.
  3. Run npm run build to rebuild -> you should see files in the dist folder being replaced
  4. Check-in and make sure you are on master branch; if not, merge.
  5. Make sure you are logged into npm (you can do this by running npm whoami), if you are not logged in, use npm adduser to create a user or npm login to log in with your credentials.
  6. Navigate to dist/dnn-sxc-angular
  7. First do a dry-run to see if everything works using npm publish --dry-run
  8. You can also do a beta-publish which won't be publicly shown
    1. Make sure the version is something like 11.01.00-beta.1 (with -xyz.#)
    2. then npm publish --tag beta.
  9. In that folder, run npm publish - you will shortly receive an email which confirms the publication.

Note that this will only work if you have an npm-account with the correct permissions, mapped to this project.