Prepare HQ

  1. Location


  1. Fill in the school name

[[School name]]

  1. Fill in the user role

[[User role]]

IT Headquarters

  1. Create user
  2. Fill in Setup UNI Username (Never replace this)
    1. [[UNI Username]]
  3. Paste QR into the task
  4. Send task to HQ for delegation to the coach

Prepare by Local Coach

  1. Take note of your Sim Card PIN in your notebook
  2. Make sure you have Wi-Fi available
  3. You will need ca. 10 minutes in the wifi

Start the setup process

  1. Start your new phone (you will probable need to enter your SIM-Card code)
  2. Tap the screen 6 times - this will activate the camera to start the setup
  3. Scan the QR-Code of this task
  4. Connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network.

Setup a device for an Organisation

  1. You will now see a few info-screens. Tap Next or Agree etc. on all of them.
  2. Activate basic permissions and accept all screens-
    1. when asked to "Allow Package installer to access photos, media and files on your system" tap on allow
    2. On the screen with no colored button, tap the ◀️ (return)
  3. Tap on Start using ... On the final screen, scroll to the bottom and hit Accept
  4. You should now see this:Image
  5. Wait until the following apps are installed.
  6. Send this task back to the Metin so he can do final steps. 

Final Steps IT Headquarters

  1. Update user name and device name to match the school
  2. Inform Headquarters