There are a many cases of saving which should be tested

Tests with Entity-ID 

  1. Dialog opens with existing entity-id and save should work (updating that item)
  2. Dialog opens with zero entity-id
    1. and save should create new
    2. re-save (without closing dialog) should update that

Tests with Content-Groups

  1. Dialog opens with existing group/index - save should update
  2. Dialog opens new with group/index, save should create and add to list (content-group) in the right place
  3. Dialog opens in inner content
    1. should create edit depending on situation
    2. list should be updated
    3. if a content-group must be created, that should work too

Test Multi-Language

  1. Open a multi-language entity, edit only primary language
    1. verify primary is updated
    2. verify other languages are not updated
  2. Open a multi-language entity, edit some things in one or more secondary langugages
    1. primary language should not have changes
    2. the other changes should be there as expected
  3. Open a multi-language entity with translations, remove some (re-attach to main), save
    1. in the alternate languages, you should now have the fallback again

Test DNN Publishign


Test Inner Content

  1. Single layer (todo)
  2. multi-layer same app (todo)
  3. multi-layer 3 apps (todo)